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Grade 5 - 6

Seal researcher for a day

Educational Offer

Seal researcher for a day

Grade: 5th – 6th grade
Price: 900 DKK + 55,- in entrance per student. The course is free for schools in Hjørring Municipality.
Max. Student number by appointment
Duration: 2 - 2½ hours (depending on the number of students)

Examination of the biology and living conditions of seals.

After a presentation and dialog about the work of a seal researcher, the students work in groups, where they will observe by the Sealarium, using different research methods and discussing their way to answer questions about the biology and living conditions of seals. Methods and results will be discussed at the end.

The course is best done early in the day, before there are many other guests at the Oceanarium.



Kim Froulund Gøttler
Tel:. +45 9625 8719
Mobil: +45 2051 5992

Nordsøen Oceanarium
Willemoesvej 2
DK - 9850 Hirtshals
Tel.: +45 9894 4444
